Shalom. ^^

Monday, November 4, 2013


We have two eyes and one tongue which means we need to look twice and speak only one true piece of story. 

We have two ears and one mouth which means we need to listen more than we talk. Most understandings occur because we listen to reply, instead of listen to understand; which is really sad because we do not place ourselves in others's shoes!

We have two hands and one stomach which means we need to work twice as much as we eat. Don't be lazy. There's no free meal in this world!

We have two major brains : Left and Right and one heart. So, we can think twice and we have one life. ''Follow your heart but take your brains with you!'' Think twice before we make any decision. Don't make a permanent decision just because we are temporarily angry, sad, hungry and sleepy!

Isn't it amazing how our body parts remind us how to live? :)))


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