Shalom. ^^

Saturday, November 16, 2013


Remember, we may not have the best things in life but we always, always have the blessed things in life. :)))

For instance, being able to wake up to another new day each morning is a blessing which always goes unnoticed. Often we tend to forget what a privilege it is to be able to yawn, stretch, off the ringing/snoozing alarm clock, whisper the morning prayer and get off bed : that precious gift of life each morning!

No wonder morning prayers are always written in such a way that they are full of thankfulness and hope; an awesome booze to kickstart the day.

Blessings have already started flowing the very moment we are awake each morning. Think of how much we have received throughout the day.

May every sunrise brings us hope and every sunset brings us peace.

We are too blessed to be stressed! 


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