Shalom. ^^

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I believe in the power of prayers. It is the best way to draw strength from Heaven. 

During my practicum days, when I was asked to teach math in the last class of form4, I admit; it wasn't an easy task for me. Kids were less motivated and they gave up really fast. It was hard to get them to hold a pen! Let alone, expect them to follow the P&P for two periods.

But, God hears our prayers if we pray earnestly. "Ask and you shall receive."

I've got kids from that class, who now tells me they passed they math paper during their recent exams. And, they say that it's the first time they pass too!

I'm ever thankful for this bunch of practicum kids I have met. You all remind me of how loving He is; The Lord who listens to His people who seek His grace and mercy earnestly.

May this kids shine in His light. 

May teachers share His love with their kids.
May we play a role to shape them; His people.



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